So, How Many People You think Have Diabetes in India? — Shantanu Singh {Taj Pharma}
(hint: its more than the population of England) — An Initial investigation into diabetes illustrates.
An unbelievable, 7.2 crore people have diabetes in India! And, they are staring at the medicines with side-effects and the artificial sugar as their last hope.
Fortunately, we live in the motherland of Yoga and Ayurveda. And, they can choose a natural way to control Diabetes.
In Sanskrit, diabetes is called ‘Prameha’, and its a disease which causes all three ‘doshas’ (Pitta, Vata and Kapha) to go out of balance. That’s why Botany Bay Herbs created a herbal medicine that works on all three ‘doshas’ using three powerful herbs with no side-effects. Learn more on our website.
I think these 7.2 crore people should consider choosing a ‘zero side-effect’ natural remedy, and yoga to control diabetes.
If you agree, suggest a diabetic patient to consider a natural way of controlling diabetes. Read further at
Lastly, some Ayurveda trivia for the day:
‘Ayur’ means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge.
Live well,
Shantanu Singh,
Taj Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Mumbai
* population of UK is 66 million (6.6 crore)
# source of information for diabetic population of India- International Diabetes Foundation
Labels: Shantanu Singh {Taj Pharma}, Shantanu Singh, Taj Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Mumbai, Yoga and Ayurveda, artificial sugar, controlling diabetes, Diabetes in India